Monday, September 12, 2011

How to wear a strapless dress in cold weather


Nicole Miller strapless dress
As the colder weather sets in, you start packing away your strapless dresses. You really don’t have to wear only turtle necks or full sleeves during the cooler seasons. No, it doesn’t mean that you will drink a gallon of alcohol to stay warm or not budge from near the fireplace every time you wear a strapless dress!
Here are a few tippers on how you can stylize your strapless dress, even as you stay warm and snug-

Nicole Miller strapless dress
1. Shrugs, shawl or bolero jackets
I have this gorgeous Nicole Miller strapless dress in charcoal grey. It is inspired by the Grecian style and has classy fabric crisscrossing on the front. I usually pair it with a heavy, velvety bolero jacket when it gets too cold. If bolero jackets are not your style then you can opt for a wool shrug or elegant cashmere or pashmina.
2. Stockings and leggings
If you have a strapless dress that ends above the knees, then you need to do something to keep your legs warm. Believe it or not, I always feel the chill more on my legs than shoulders. So, I opt for skinny woolen stockings in solid blacks or even ‘Burberry’ type checks. The stockings are feminine, shapely and definitely in vogue too.
3. Shoes
Stilettos can be worn with stockings that cover your feet too. However, clumsy that I am, I often tend to tumble and trip with their slippery feel. I prefer wearing trendier boots instead, which are also high-heeled, but offer better support. Avoid wearing open toed shoes without any socks or stockings unless you want a frost bite.

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